A Product Liability Lawyer can help you when a product causes personal injury or damages to property by assessing the personal injury or damages done
One product under investigation is the drug Vioxx, click here for Vioxx information & questions. Products with a high rate of being potentially dangerous or defective are a threat to your safety and well being.
The products you purchase from retail stores, wholesaler, supermarkets, or specialty outlets are manufactured with an implicit guarantee that the item is not defective and that the purchaser of the said item come to no harm or foul if the manufactured product is used in its intended manner. An individual who has been loaned or given a defective or negligent product can also file product liability claims.
A Product Liability Attorney can help you when a product causes personal injury or damages to property by assessing the personal injury or damages done by the negligent or defective product and estimate a compensatory sum. Then the lawyer will file a claim against the manufacturer, or the party responsible for the flaw in the product, to hold them liable for the injuries or damages incurred. A product liability lawyer will gather evidence substantial enough to show that the product was indeed defective and present the evidence in court..
There are three main categories designated for defective products, which may result in product liability claims:
Design Defects – flaws in the item’s conceptual design
Manufacturing Defects – specific defects which occur during the manufacture of the product
Defects in Marketing - improper instructions or failures to elucidate consumers of potential and latent dangers in the product.
Here is a short list of common defective products that have a high potential for injury:
Automobiles and Automobile Products (including Auto Recalls, Tires, Car Seats, Safety Belts Seats, Brakes etc.)
Foods from Grocery Stores, Fast Foods and Edible Products
Medicines (Pharmaceuticals, Over-The-Counter, Prescriptions, Diet Pills, Homeopathic Solutions, etc.)
Cosmetics (mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, etc.)
Medical Devices, Rehab Heath Care Products
Baby Strollers, Baby Feeding Bottles
Children's Toys, Children Swings, Bikes, Sporting Goods