Student Loan Information and Free Application
Overview of Student Loan Consolidation:
Student Loan Consolidation can significantly lower your monthly payment by lengthening the term of your loans, with no prepayment penalties. When you apply now, you can lock in the lowest interest rates in the history of the Federal student loan program. Consolidation is FREE and easy and does not require a credit check
Recent graduates can save even more
If you consolidate during your grace period, your interest rate will drop an additional .6%. If you have just graduated you should consolidate your loans as soon as possible.
Consolidate your student loans before it's too late
Federal student loan interest rates are at an all time low. Student loan consolidation will allow you to take advantage of the lowest interest rates in history.
Are there any negative consequences to student loan consolidation?
Yes and No. If you take a longer amount of time to pay off your student loan debt, you will pay more interest over the course of loan repayment. However, because there are no prepayment penalties and it is a simple interest loan, if you continue making the same payments you were making prior to loan consolidation, you will not pay more in interest and pay off the loan even quicker than your previous loan.
What loans are eligible for student loan consolidation?
Following is a list of eligible federal student loans:
SS - Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans & Guaranteed Student Loans (GSL)
DSS - Direct Subsidized Stafford Loans
DUS - Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
DPLUS - Direct PLUS Loans
DUCON - Direct Unsubsidized Consolidation Loan, including Direct PLUS Consolidation Loans
US - Unsubsidized and Nonsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
NSL - Federal Nursing Loans
HEAL - Health Education Assistance Loans
PERK - Federal Perkins Loans, formerly Nations Defense/National Direct Student Loans (NDSL)
PLUS - Federal PLUS (Parent) Loans
SCON - Subsidized Federal Consolidation Loans
UCON- Unsubsidized Federal Consolidation Loans
SLS - Federal Supplemental Loans for Students (formerly Auxiliary Loans to Assist Students (ALAS) and Student PLUS Loans)