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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Remembering Billy Mays 'the OxiClean guy"

The first time I ever saw Billy Mays in person nobody could actually remember the poor guy's name.

I was sitting at the Champs Sports Bowl in Orlando, Fla., in December, and out of nowhere my cousin turns to me and says, "Hey, isn't that the infomercial guy?"

The man he was pointing at was standing on the field wearing a blue polo shirt and carrying a camera. After a couple of more minutes went by, a few other people in our section noticed the same guy. "It had to be him," everyone agreed. So to get his attention my cousin started chanting the one thing he knew he remembered about the man in the blue shirt: OxiClean. He knew that the man sold a product called OxiClean during one of his infomercials, so chants of "OxiClean, OxiClean" started to fill the air in Section 131 at the Florida Citrus Bowl that night. Within a matter of moments, the bearded man turned around and had a huge smile on his face.

I'm still not exactly sure how we did it, but we convinced our new pal to come into our seats and take some pictures. He literally had to climb over the little railing in our section, but he did this without any problem. The fans were going crazy. As he made his way to us, I finally remembered that the man's name was Billy Mays. When he got to our seats the chants had switched from "OxiClean, OxiClean!" to "Billy Mays, Billy Mays!" Mays' smile got even bigger as he came over and shook everyone's hand and posed for pictures.

My brother, who had gone up to the concession stand to grab some more beers for our group, came back and couldn't believe his eyes. "The guy from the commercials," he said in amazement. He tried to give Mays one of his precious beers, but the pitchman graciously declined, he was on assignment for ESPN, after all.

What struck me more than anything was that when he spoke, he wasn't screaming the way he did in all those commercials. He was just an average guy (with a regular voice) who enjoyed hanging with his fans. He stood near our section for another 10 minutes or so posing and talking to more people. He seemed like a genuine guy who was just happy to be recognized. His appearance was the highlight of an otherwise boring game between FSU and Wisconsin.

When I heard the news of his passing on Sunday morning, that story is the first thing that crossed my mind. In fact, a few hours later, I got a text message from one of my friends who had been with us that night: "Did you know that the OxiClean guy died today??? Ahhhh Champs Bowl." I'm sure Mays' presence made a lot of people smile over the years, and my story is no different. The only reason I'll ever remember that football game is because the "OxiClean guy" appeared and brightened everybody's day. source>>>

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Friday, June 26, 2009

This Day in History

On this date in 1284, it was said that the Pied Piper of Hamelin, Germany lured 130 children out of town, and they were never seen again. On June 26 1963 President John Kennedy gave his, "Ich bin ein Berliner" (I am a Berliner) speech in West Berlin. On June 26, 1974, supermarket scanning of UPC codes began with a pack of chewing gum in Troy, Ohio.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This date in History

IN 1611, The mutinous crew of English explorer Henry Hudson, after a harsh winter with their ship frozen in Hudson Bay, puts Hudson and eight others adrift in a small boat. They are never seen again. In 1845: The Congress of the Republic of Texas agrees to join the United States, following the wishes of the republic's leading figure, Sam Houston.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

This date in History

On this date in 1815 Napoleon abdicated his throne for the second time after his defeat at Waterloo. In 1981 Mark David Chapman pleaded guilty to killing rock musician John Lennon.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

This date in History

this date 1862 Congress abolished slavery in the U.S. territories Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were convicted of conspiring to pass U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, were executed at Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York. source>>>

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

This date in History

Happy Phi Day! Phi, also known as the Golden Ratio, is the irrational number equal to aprx. 1.618033...(not to be confused with that other curious ratio, Pi, which has its own day on 3-14). Phi is used in astronomy, architecture, and the Fibonacci Sequence. On June 18, 1178, five Canterbury monks saw "two horns of light" on the moon's surface, and it was later proposed they were witnessing the formation of Giordano Bruno crater. source>>>

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No Gambling Expansion In Kentucky, But Anti-eBay Legislation Passed

First Governor Steve Beshear went after the online gambling industry, claiming that they were taking money that could have stayed in Kentucky, out of Kentucky. Now, the governor appears to have his sights set on eliminating online bargain shopping in the state.

The legislature is meeting this week in a special session to iron out budget problems in Kentucky. Gambling expansion was supposed to be a main subject, but as he so often does, Beshear went off course on Wednesday.

"I am introducing legislation that would make it illegal for Kentuckians to place bids and buy merchandise on eBay," said Beshear at a news conference, "the people of Kentucky should be spending money at state racetracks, and state racetracks only."

Beshear has kept with the notion that if the racetracks are failing financially, it must be because of an outside influence, such as online gambling or eBay. He has not yet conceded the fact that it may be the economy that is hurting the tracks.

Track owners will be put in an awkward situation if the legislation is passed. Many of the owners have said that if they had to downsize their operations, they would use eBay to rid themselves of their excess assets.

"I was going to put some of the old pictures of Kentucky Derby winners on eBay in the hopes that a collector would buy them," said the owner of Churchill Downs, "if this law goes in effect, I don't know what I will do."

Beshear, in a separate statement hours after the first press conference, contradicted his reasons for the eBay ban. He claimed that too many children were stumbling into their parents accounts and being exposed to the dangers of shopping.

"The children are the real losers with the eBay phenomenon," said Beshear, this time at a press conference held in front of a mirror in his house, "there is just no way to safeguard the site. Let's say a five year old gets on the Internet, and types in Tonka trucks. He finds that there is a shiny red truck available. What is to stop the child from stealing his parents credit card, knowing how to set up an eBay account, and bidding on the truck? Now, we have parents who can't pay the bills at home, committed to buying a Tonka truck on eBay."

After convincing himself in front of the mirror that he made the morally correct decision. Beshear signed the legislation he proposed into law. source>>> Disclaimer: All news articles published on this online craps site are spoofs, parody, or satire. None of the information contained in these articles should be taken seriously.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This date in History

On this day in 1959, TV's Superman, George Reeves, was found dead in an apparent suicide. It was to be the start of the urban legend known as the Superman Curse. On June 16, 1963, cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space source>>>

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Monday, June 15, 2009

This date in History

On this date in 1878, Eadweard Muybridge used a series of cameras set on trip wires to film a running horse. Legend has it that his goal was to win a bet over whether or not horses had all four feet up at some point during their gait. His ingenious solution to this wager is credited as being the birth of the motion picture industry. source>>>

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Advantages Offered by Acai Berry

Acai berry diets have gained a lot of coverage in the media of late as "super fruit" diet that can do miraculous things to your body. While most of it is true, you need to be aware of all the advantages offered by an acai berry diet before you decide if that is what you need.

Acai berry diet reviews say that the strongest part of the food is that it has strong energy providing capabilities while at the same time inhibits your hunger and your desire to gulp down a ton of food. Hence, you get the benefits of eating on a restricted intake plus you have the energy to work out as well exercise at your will.

There are many more advantages to an acai berry diet as well. It is one of nature's most powerful antioxidants capable of fighting germs and other bacteria that would otherwise cause you to fall ill. It is also known to be a good controller of blood pressure and regulates your cholesterol, if it is in small ranges.

Acai berry diet information also specifies its advantages of being a natural sleep inducer. If you have trouble sleeping at night, then this tiny berry can help you with that as well. If taken in the right amount, you can sleep well in the night in addition to having a lot of energy in the day to work with.

The acai berry diet is not something new but it has only just been discovered in the western world. Brazilian civilizations have consumed it for centuries together and have had no known problems with them. The acai berry diet is also known to be a good source of fiber. Fiber is required in excess for any established diet and hence, acai berry diet satisfies on that realm as well. Fibrous foods are easily digested and don't take a toll on your health.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

This date in History

On today's date in 1923, Harry Houdini freed himself from a straitjacket while suspended upside down 40 feet above a crowd in New York City. It was on June 12, 1957 that Monsanto opened its House of the Future at Disneyland. The striking structure had four wings elevated on a central pedestal, and a giant (non-working) wall mounted TV set. source>>>

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

This date in History

On this Date in 1963, Vivian Malone and James Hood successfully enrolled at the University of Alabama following Gov. George Wallace's famous "stand in the schoolhouse door." In 2001 Timothy McVeigh, the 1995 Oklahoma City bomber, was executed.

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Scareware's pitches for fake security showing up everywhere on the Internet

Scareware has become the scourge of the Internet.

Those deceptive promotions crafted to panic you into spending $30 to $80 for worthless antivirus protection can hit you just about anywhere you turn on the Web. They arrive as booby-trapped Web links in e-mail and social network messages. They lurk hidden, and set to activate, when you click to popular, legitimate websites.

And now scareware purveyors are embedding triggers in places you wouldn't expect: on advertisements displayed at mainstream media websites; amid search results from Google, Yahoo Search and Windows Live search; alongside comments posted on YouTube videos; and, most recently, in "tweets" circulating on Twitter.

"Scareware is becoming a dominating force," says Joe Stewart, director of SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit. "There are hundreds of criminals using every tactic they can think of to push these programs."

a trigger and you'll get caught in an unnerving loop impossible to abort. A scanner window will appear with red-letter warnings listing viruses purportedly infesting your hard drive. A series of dialogue boxes will follow giving you choices that all lead to the same screen: a sales pitch.

Make the purchase, and you get a bogus inoculation. Try to cancel it, and you'll get repeated offers. "It's like stepping into quicksand," says Paul Royal senior researcher at security firm Purewire. "The more you try to get out of it, the deeper you sink."

Scareware has been a prominent part of the Internet since 2004, when a cybergang based in St. Petersburg, Russia, launched the iframecash.biz website and began offering commissions to anyone who helped them spread the SpySheriff fake antivirus program. Hackers began to taint legitimate websites so that pop-up ads for SpySheriff would launch on the PC of anyone who visited a corrupted Web page.

That simple arrangement has evolved into a steadily growing industry that marked a banner year in 2008. By late last year, more than 9,200 different types of scareware programs were circulating on the Internet, up from 2,800 at midyear, according to The Anti-Phishing Working Group. Microsoft recently reported that scareware infections rose 48% in the second half of 2008 vs. the first half. Microsoft analyzed data collected by use of its Malicious Software Removal Tool and found one specific fake security program on 4.4 million PCs.

"These guys are very innovative," says Roel Schouwenberg, senior virus researcher at Kaspersky Lab. "They're constantly looking for newer and easier ways to make money."

Cutting-edge scareware marketing campaigns are being delivered via:

-YouTube and Twitter. The bad guys sign up for a handful of new YouTube or Twitter accounts. In the case of YouTube, crooks recently used about a dozen new accounts to begin posting comments on 30,000 videos, says Luis Corrons, technical director of PandaLabs. The comments enticed users to click on a link that triggered a scareware promotion.

In a variation of this ploy, crooks in late May created new Twitter accounts and began broadcasting tweets declaring "Best video" with a Web link of http://juste.ru, says Schouwenberg. Clicking on the link launched a sequence that replicated the message to everyone on the victim's friends list, then launched a scareware promo.

-Search results. The bad guys create malicious Web pages and fill them with words and phrases that are likely to be popular search queries, such as "American Idol winner" or "NCAA tournament bracket," says Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CTO of security firm Finjan. Next they insert tiny copies of their bad links on popular, legit websites that don't do a thorough job of preventing such hacks.

"Search engine optimization" then takes over. SEO is the technology that determines the relevance of Web links to search queries. By embedding a malicious link on a popular website, the hackers imbue their Web page with high relevance. So when the legit site turns up as the No. 1 or No. 2 result for a popular search query, their bad link turns up as the No. 4 or No. 6 result. Anyone who clicks on the bad link gets a scareware pitch.

-Online ads. The bad guys purchase blocks of ad space on popular websites through a legit ad agency, says Roger Thompson, senior researcher at AVG. Next they instruct the ad agency to begin posting innocuous ads. To avoid detection, they only sporadically feed a corrupted ad into the mix. The bad ad looks safe, but carries instructions to route anyone who clicks to a scareware pitch. "It's the most common attack we see every day," Thompson says.

Mind-boggling profits

Powerful incentives undergird scareware. Security researchers say the industry is run by no more than a dozen or so top-level suppliers orchestrating the activity of several hundred "affiliate" distributors.

The top-level groups supply bogus scanners and cleanup tools -- actual software -- and collect payments and pay commissions. Bonuses can be generous. One top supplier, for instance, recently ran a contest offering a $36,000 Lexus sedan to the top-selling affiliate, says F-Secure senior researcher Mikko Hypponen.

"The top-level groups incentivize the affiliates and don't get their hands dirty," says Hypponen. "If they get any complaints, they can just blame the affiliate."

Top-level groups typically work with 100 or more affiliates, who can earn commissions many different ways. Last fall, SecureWorks researcher Stewart infiltrated a Russian group known as the Baka Software gang. He accessed documentation showing one affiliate earned $146,525 in 10 days by spreading promotions for a worthless program, called Antivirus XP 2008, to more than 154,000 people, and closing sales to 2,772 of them. Another record showed five top Baka Software affiliates earning weekly commissions averaging $107,604.

"The sheer amounts of money involved in installing just one rogue program are mind-boggling," Stewart says.

A few scareware affiliates have been slowed by regulators. Last fall, Microsoft and Washington state Attorney General Rob McKenna filed civil lawsuits against Branch Software, of The Woodlands, Texas, and Alpha Red, of Houston, charging that they were marketing scareware. And last December, the Federal Trade Commission obtained court orders prohibiting Innovative Marketing, of Belize, and ByteHosting Internet Services, of Cincinnati, from selling WinFixer, WinAntivirus, DriveCleaner, ErrorSafe, and XP Antivirus, all worthless.

The top-level suppliers, however, continue to operate with impunity, mainly based in Russia. And new affiliates crop up every day, full of fresh ideas to spread increasingly invasive promotions, security researchers say. source>>>

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

this date in history

In 1801 The Tripolitan War, between the United States and the Barbary States, began.

In 1942 The entire male population of the Czech village of Lidice was massacred in retaliation for the death of Nazi official Reinhard Heydrich. source>>>

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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

this date in history

It was on this day in 1822 that Charles Graham received the first patent for false teeth. On June 9th, 1944, a foxhound named Lena in Pennsylvania gave birth to a record litter-- 23 puppies source>>>

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Monday, June 08, 2009

This date in History

Sixty years ago today, George Orwell's prescient classic 1984 was published. On June 8, 1937 the world's largest and smelliest flower, the 8 1/2 tall ' corpse flower' (Titan arum) bloomed at the Botanic Garden in New York. The flower's putrid odor is meant to attract pollinators such as carrion beetles and flesh flies found on the plant's native island, Sumatra. source>>>

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Friday, June 05, 2009

This date in History

On this day in 1956, Elvis Presley introduced his new single Hound Dog on "The Milton Berle Show," stirring up controversy with his swiveling hip motions. On June 5, 1968, Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles by Sirhan Sirhan.


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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

This date in History

n June 3, 1948, Ed Brown Jr., an ex-Navy pilot, opened the first drive-in, fly-in movie theater, with space for 25 planes, outside Wall Township, New Jersey. And on this day in 1965, astronaut Edward White became the first American to spacewalk during the flight of Gemini 4. source>>>

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Hong Kong’s two largest supermarket chains pulled Red Bull GmbH drinks from their shelves

Hong Kong's two largest supermarket chains pulled Red Bull GmbH drinks from their shelves after the government said samples were found to contain traces of cocaine. The Austrian company said its products are free of the drug.

ParknShop and Wellcome said they removed the drinks yesterday after the Department of Health and Centre for Food Safety reported finding "extremely low" levels of cocaine in Red Bull Cola, Red Bull Sugar-Free and Red Bull Energy Drink imported from Austria and the UK.

"It would have been absolutely impossible for the Hong Kong or any other authorities to have found traces of cocaine in Red Bull Energy Drink," Daniel Beatty, Red Bull's Hong Kong-based marketing director for Asia-Pacific, said in an e-mail today. "We expect the Hong Kong authorities to recognize their error soon."

The Hong Kong tests follow the seizure in Taiwan of 17,165 cases of Red Bull Energy Drink by authorities on May 30. Germany raised concerns last month about the use of de-cocainized coca leaf in another of the company's drinks not sold in Asia. source>>>

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Derek Broes, Facebook, Efusjon, and the Matrix create a once in a lifetime opportunity

In alternative health, açaí is all the rage. While relatively new to the American consciousness, açaí has been around for centuries and has helped many people with its healthful qualities. In order to benefit completely from açaí, however, one must truly understand what it is and what it does.
(See the 59 benefits below)


Get Healthy and Get PAID!

Get healthy and get paid! At the efusjon energy club, we believe in healthy bodies and a healthy income. You can enjoy the delicious and nutritious virtues of our amazing energy drinks and reap the rewards from your very own successful efusjon energy club business.

Under the efusjon energy club revolutionary new community compensation structure, you get rewarded in ways you never dreamed possible. It's a unique opportunity never before seen in the network marketing industry!

Our "Community Overlap" plan rewards you not only for your efforts and your organization's efforts, but even for the efforts of people beside you and above you! With overlapping support from active Associates from the left, the right and above your organization, you can get paid for the efforts of people completely unaffiliated with you.


How do I get paid? In the efusjon energy club, you have two distinct ways to change your financial future: Do yourself a favor, take 10 minutes and WATCH THIS, we can promise you have never seen a payout plan like this ANYWHERE!


1. When you join the efusjon energy club as a Member, you earn 4.25% of total sales volume in commissions for each order of efusjon's energy drinks when

* Customers order efusjon energy drink products from your replicated website

2. As an efusjon energy club Associate, you have an opportunity to earn even more - a whole lot more - as you build an organization of other motivated efusjon energy club Associates

* Once you have enrolled 3 people as an efusjon energy club Associate, you will be promoted to an Executive. As an Executive you will receive 4.25% of total sales volume for each active, personally enrolled Associate and your personally enrolled Associate's down lines every month. As your organization grows, so does your income. (See Compensation Plan)
* Add to that the efusjon energy club "Community Overlap" (where you are able to receive 1% of the total sales volume for each Associate enrolled by others that overlap into your community matrix) and you have the potential to increase your income dramatically.


3. efusjon energy club Associates are eligible for other incentives - in addition to their lucrative commissions! That sounds amazing - but I bet it's expensive to join. Actually, joining the efusjon energy club is a very affordable way to start a business - and for less than the price of a nice dinner out, you can begin changing your life today.

For just $30, you can become an efusjon energy club Member. As a Member, you are encouraged to retail efusjon energy drinks for a healthy profit. By joining, you get:


* Free replicated Website and personal ID number.
* Direct Deposit for your commission payments or a printed check sent through standard U.S. mail.
* Electronic access to a wealth of company information and materials. Electronic copies also contribute to a cleaner environment

Once you become a Member, all you need to do to become an Associate is to place an order for at least $120 - and you'll be able to take full advantage of the efusjon energy club difference.


What do I get for my $120?
Associates pay just $30* per 12-pack of 8.4 ounce cans of efusjon's acai berry energy drink. So an order for $120* gets you four 12-packs!

And remember, when you purchase efusjon's energy drinks at our wholesale prices, you then can retail product for a very nice profit!

*Plus tax and shipping. Tax may vary from state to state. Shipping charges are $9.00 per 12-pack.

What are the 59 Health Benefits that Made Acai Berry So Famous?


The all natural antioxidant/energy drink you have been looking for is finally here. It offers remarkable taste, packs tremendous energy, and delivers health and vitility! Whether your 18 or 80, Efusjon's "RAW," is a delicious energy drink that gives your body exactly what it needs to thrive throughout the day! The rich, smooth flavor of Efujon's "RAW," is a taste you can enjoy anytime - completely guilt free.

So start your day with the delicious, nutritious energy your body and taste buds will crave! Cheers!

Nutrition Facts

The Acai berry is super rich in antioxidants and has proven itself time and time again. The ingredients that make it so healthy include dietary fiber, lipids, amino acids, antioxidants, Omega 3,6,9, phytonutients, anthocyanins, protein, plus minerals like potasium, calcium, iron and phosphorus.

Polluted air, junk foods, even strenuous exercise produces free-radicals in our bodies. Heart disease, diabetes, and cancer as well as damage to our immune system are all caused in part by free radicals.

The Acai's antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" to neutralize free-radicals, slowing and preventing the oxidative stress they cause to our cells.

Dr. Perricone's 10 Superfoods

No. 1: Açaí

Nature's Energy Fruit

It may seem odd to start this list of superfoods with one you've likely never even heard of. But studies have shown that this little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world! Açaí (ah-sigh-ee) is the high-energy berry of a special Amazon palm tree.

Learn the truth about Oprah and claims about açaí.

Harvested in the rainforests of Brazil, açaí tastes like a vibrant blend of berries and chocolate. Hidden within its royal purple pigment is the magic that makes it nature's perfect energy fruit. Açaí is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. Although açaí may not be available in your local supermarket, you can find it in several health food and gourmet stores (often in juice form). A new product featuring the unsweetened pulp is now also available, and I

highly recommend that you choose this form of açaí.


What is Acai?

There is a lot of buzz about acai in the market place, but a lot of people don't know much about the fruit itself. Since Acai Roots ™ was started and is currently operated by Brazilians who grew up with acai with strong Roots in Brasil, they decided to share some of our knowledge about this wonderful fruit.


The Fruit - Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-eeh) is a Tupi (Brazilian indigena language) word that means "fruit that cries". This dark purple little fruit looks very similar to a jaboticaba (another very popular Brazilian fruit), grape or blueberry (very common in the US), with the difference that the majority of the fruit is seed (~ 95%), and only the skin around the seed is utilized to make acai juice or pulp.

Acai Benefits - Acai on the top of the chain when it comes to antioxidant concentration - the berry scores 67% more antioxidants than pomegranate, and over 500% more antioxidants than blueberry, as demonstrated on the chart below:

What are the 59 Health Benefits that Made Acai Berry So Famous?

1. Prolongs Your Life

2. Increases Your Energy

3. Increases Your Overall Strength

4. Helps you Look and Feel Younger

5. Helps You Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure

6. Prevents Cancer

7. Helps You Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels

8. Promotes Normal Blood Sugar

9. Enhances Sexual Function

10. Helps You Lose Weight

11. Relieves Headaches and Dizziness

12. Improves Quality of Sleep

13. Improves Your Vision

14. Strengthens Your Heart

15. Inhibits Lipid Peroxidation

16. Improves Disease Resistance

17. Strengthens Your Immune System

18. Helps Your Body Fight Cancer

19. Protects Your Precious DNA

20. Inhibits Tumor Growth

21. Reduces the Toxic Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation

22. Helps to Build Strong Blood

23. Helps with Chronic Dry Cough

24. Fights Inflammation and Arthritis

25. Improves Lymphocyte Count

26. Improves Menopausal Symptoms

27. Prevents Morning Sickness

28. Improves Fertility

29. Strengthens Your Muscles and Bones

30. Supports Normal Kidney Function

31. Improves Your Memory

32. Supports Healthy Liver Function

33. Alleviates Anxiety and Stress

34. Improves Your Mood

35. Improves Your Digestion

36. Helps You Maintain Healthy Gums

37. Fights Fibromyalgia

38. Prevents Allergies

39. Protects Children's Health

40. Promotes Overall Wellness

41. Increases workout recovery

42. Increases injury recovery

43. Helps to Reduce Physical Injuries

44. Relieves Arthritis Pain

45. Helps to Clear Skin of Warts

46. Reduces the Occurrence of Seizures

47. Helps Improve & Even Cure Leukemia

48. Fights General Depression

49. Supports Weight Loss through Fat Loss

50. Helps Slow Down the Aging Process

51. Provides all Vital Vitamins

52. Contains Several Important Minerals

53. Is an extremely Powerful Free Radical Fighter

54. Acai has very High Levels of Fibers

55. Cleanses and Detoxifies the Body of Infectious Toxins

56. Helps to Prevent Heart Problems

57. Improves Mental Clarity/Focus

58. Improves Circulation

59. Cures Osteoporosis

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Red Bull products taken off the shelves in Hong Kong, traces of cocaine found

Hong Kong government met with Red Bull Hong Kong Office representatives, importers and retailers of Red Bull products today (June 2). They were informed that Government Laboratory had conducted tests on samples of Red Bull products and found traces of cocaine, a dangerous drug controlled under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, in some of the samples coming from Austria and the United Kingdom.

As Government had all along adopted a zero tolerance attitude towards dangerous drugs, they were advised of the legal position under the ordinance. Having regard to the specific circumstances of the case, including the absence of prior knowledge of the cocaine content in the product, no prosecution is intended in relation to the dealing in such products in the past. However, should they continue to deal in any products containing dangerous drugs in future, they might be liable to prosecution.

Noting that the major retailer chains had already taken off Red Bull products from the shelves, the Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong, advised those retailers who had not done so already to follow suit as a precaution since some of the samples were found to contain the dangerous drug. It was also suggested that they consider returning the products to their suppliers. The retailers were receptive to the advice.

The test results of further samples were available this afternoon. No cocaine was detected. Government would further contact the Red Bull Hong Kong Office for more comprehensive product information, lot and serial numbers and samples for testing in order to establish whether the existence of traces of cocaine in some samples is a systematic issue or whether it relates to any particular lot or serial number.

Department of Health and Centre for Food Safety advised that given the extremely low level of cocaine found in the products, normal consumption of the products concerned is unlikely to pose psychotropic or adverse health effects.

In the case of consumers, all indications are that they are not using the products as dangerous drugs. No prosecution is intended. But as cocaine is a dangerous drug, consumers are advised not to buy or consume the products concerned. Source>>>

Try Efusjon Energy Drinks 100% natural

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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

This date in History

On this day in 1910, pygmies were discovered by explorers in Dutch New Guinea. On June 2, 1966 Surveyor I soft landed on the moon and began transmitting detailed photos. The Lower Ohio Valley tornado outbreak spawned 66 confirmed tornadoes across four states, starting on today's date in 1990. source>>>

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Efusimo- The most amazing cocktail you will ever taste

Efusimo- The most amazing cocktail you will ever taste

Ingredients: Limes, Vodka, Triple sec, Ice, Sweet and sour mix and EFUSJON RAW https://www.myefusjon.com/mmi

Things you will need: Metal Mixing shaker, Muddler (smashing stick)

Fill the mixer a quarter of the way with ice
Cut 1/2 lime into slices and throw on top of the ice
Place hand over top of the shaker and use the muddler to smash ice and limes together (about 15 seconds)
Add 1 ounce Vodka
Add 1/2 ounce Triple sec
Add a splash of Sweet and Sour mix
Add 1 n 1/2 ounce of Efusjon RAW

Cover the shaker and (shake, shake, shake)

NOTE: When shaking you will have to pause and vent the air from the shaker since RAW is lightly carbonated. If you do not do this you might have a efusibomb

Shake well, Strain into a martini glass with no ice.
The color of the drink is amazing and the drink tastes even better

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Monday, June 01, 2009

This date in History

Welcome to the month named after the Roman goddess, Juno. On this day in 1831, British explorer James Clark Ross discovered the North Magnetic Pole. However, this location gradually moves over time, and it's currently drifting away from North America towards Siberia. On June 1, 1843, it snowed in Buffalo, Rochester, and Cleveland.

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Derek Broes announced he is leaving Paramount Studios to Devote Full time to efusjon!

A group of us attended an efusjon meeting at the little America Hotel last night. We enjoyed the rock band ( Ok not so much that LOUD music) and great company and a great speaker, Derek Broes, who announced he would be leaving his vaulted position at Paramount Studios as Senior Vice President and be committing completely to efusjon! We are all very excited about this! It was an amazing evening and we are so happy to be involved in the fastest growing company in the world! efusjon will be launched on face book sometime in July and will explode! Thanks for the great night Gold team!
Some have asked"what is efusjon?" Here is a brief overview of the company:

1. A Great Company- e-Fusjon is debt free with tens of millions of dollars of personal funding, and outstanding leadership.
2. A Great Product - e-Fusjon RAW is a natural non-cafinated energy drink made up of the very latest natural health discovery's including Acai Berry. The Energy Drink industry is enormous, and e-Fusjon is tapping into that with a healthy alternative.
3. A Revolutionary Compensation Plan- e-Fusjon's compensation plan is revolutionary and unbelievable. It's community overlap design allows for associates of distributors above and to the side of you, to spill over into your matrix. With this, you truly only need three people. Help them each get there three, and face book wave will take care of the rest.
4. Technology- e-Fusjon has secured the first and only agreement with Facebook to brand face its distributors Facebook pages with there product. For more Info Click Here source>>>

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