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Thursday, December 01, 2005

What is a Tax Lien Certificate?

Let’s begin with the basics.

How would you like to walk into your local county office and write them a check, and in exchange, earn 14%, 24%, and even 50% on that money, guaranteed by the government?

Property owners nationwide, pay property taxes. You pay them, I pay them, but have you ever wondered what happens when someone doesn’t pay them? The county doesn’t get the money, but they still have bills. They have to raise this money somehow because unlike the federal government they are not permitted to carry a deficit. Like anyone they want their money now. To avoid chasing the property owners, they turn to us for help.

Counties nationwide have said for years, “if you’ll pay these property taxes on behalf of these lazy property owners, we’ll give you a Tax Lien Certificate”; which gives you a first lien on the property.

“Now if the taxpayer doesn’t pay you your money back plus interest (8-50% per year), then we’ll give you that piece of property. But that’s not all! We’ll also extinguish all other liens on that property, even the mortgage!”

The first position lien holder gets priority over everyone else. As the primary lien holder you dictate what happens with that property, simply put the first lien holder is God.

TLC’s have proven to be the most efficient method by which the county can collect delinquent taxes. Everyone wins! The taxpayer gets to keep his home and gets more time to pay. The county gets paid. You the investor, earn ultra high returns on your money. Best of all, if done correctly there’s no risk on your behalf. You pay the taxes and wait out the redemption period until you win. If the taxes do get paid you earn the interest penalty of 8-50%. If the taxpayer does not pay you the back taxes plus the penalty interest - you get the property. The mortgage and all other liens are wiped clean off of the property. Can you say “JACKPOT!” That’s right, people like you and I are getting free and clear properties across the U.S. for pennies on the dollar. Go ahead say it - “JACKPOT”.


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