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Monday, October 27, 2008

10 tips to stop kids’ Halloween sugar overload

Here are some ways that parents can get a handle on Halloween so children feel neither deprived, nor sick to their stomachs:

-Decide with children, before Halloween, on what is a reasonable amount of candy to eat that night and beyond. Will the candy be packaged in small bags to make the holiday last longer, rationed to a piece or two a day, donated or thrown away?

-Feed children dinner before trick or treating so they will not be ravenous and want to fill up on candy while going from house to house.

-Go out early, when candy-givers are less likely to encourage children to grab a handful so they don't end up stuck with it.

-Do not ban candy or ditch it when the kids aren't looking; it may just make them want it more.

-Parents should be good role models by not eating all the candy themselves.

-Let children enjoy some sweets on the holiday while focusing on good nutrition the rest of the year.

-Offer candy alternatives alone, or alongside candy, to give trick-or-treaters a choice.

-Take some emphasis off candy by focusing on the fun of the holiday, like checking out the costumes and decorated houses.

-Walk, don't drive, if possible, to get some physical activity in while candy collecting.

-Suggest kids wait to eat candy until they get home, where parents can inspect the wrappers to ensure they're tightly sealed. source>>>

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