Are Liberal Truth Squads Threatening Voters YES
What would you say if law enforcement and other high-level government officials (your county prosecutor, your sheriff and even your U.S. Senator) were colluding to "threaten" and "intimidate" people who say things they don't like about the policies and actions of a particular political candidate they support?
No... it's NOT urban legend! According to news reports, it's happening, right here and right now in the United States, under the guise of a so-called "Truth Squad!"
Tom Blumer of recently filed the following report:
"Well, there is a 'truth squad.' It's in Missouri. It includes prosecutors and sheriffs. Oh, and they have formed their truth squad to threaten and intimidate the critics of ... Barack Obama."
Now, before we go any further, let's state for the record that in this context, Senator Obama is NOT relevant!
It can be for the benefit of any candidate.
What is relevant, however, is the fact that law enforcement officials would arbitrarily ABUSE THEIR POWER to such a degree, declare themselves the "truth police" and possibly seek to "go after" anyone who said anything uncomplimentary about the actions and policies of ANY candidate for public office.
But moreover, if you want to know why liberals are in such a mad Orwellian dash to enshrine the so-called Fairness Doctrine into law, look no further than this horrible attack on the First Amendment rights that you and I hold so dear!
That is why it is imperative that we continue the fight against this assault on Freedom of Speech.
Make no mistake. If Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid get their way, and the so-called Fairness Doctrine becomes the law of the land, you'll see a lot more of these shenanigans. THEY -- or their surrogates -- will arbitrarily set themselves up as the "truth police" for all of us.
They will determine what is "fair" and what is "not fair." They will make the rules and they will set the standards!
And, if you get out of line... If "We the People" wish to speak out about our government....
Well, I am sure you agree, we cannot allow that to happen!
Use the hyperlink below to send your personalized and urgent Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush and EACH and EVERY Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.
Let them know, in no uncertain terms, that you have NOT FORGOTTEN that many of them REFUSED to sign the discharge petition to bring Congressman Mike Pence's Broadcaster Freedom Act to the floor for a fair up-or-down vote.
Tell them we do NOT live in the former Soviet Union and that the American people should be free to decide exactly what they see on television, what they hear on the radio and what they read on the Internet!
Tell them that liberals in Congress ARE NOT the arbiters of TRUTH and demand that they bring Congressman Mike Pence's Broadcaster Freedom Act -- which is specifically designed to STOP the imposition of the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' -- to the floor for a fair up-or-down vote! There is still time!
- Send My Blast Faxes -
The Stench Reaches The Highest Levels Of Government!
Blumer quotes on-air statements made by St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce to News 4 reporter John Mills.
And we're not just talking about a couple of renegade local party hacks here.
According to the same report, this "truth squad" is a coordinated effort that reaches to the highest levels of government. Even United States Senator Claire McCaskill is involved.
"Mills: Now the Obama campaign tells News 4 that others, prosecutors and sheriffs, are also part of the team, including some from the Kansas City area, and from rural parts of Missouri. We're also told the truth squad is expected to include Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyle."
The stench of this scandal prompted the following response from Missouri Governor Matt Blunt:
"St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and... Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics ...." [Emphasis Mine]
"[It] is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.
"This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson's thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose... is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism...."
Of course, after the fact, the spin doctors came out. Officials maintained they were simply acting as private citizens.
But think about it. How would you react if your local District Attorney or Sheriff went on television and said they were forming a team of high-level law-enforcement officials to, under the guise of a "truth squad," seek to muzzle the speech of the people?
Use the hyperlink below to send your personalized and urgent Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush and EACH and EVERY Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.
Let them know, in no uncertain terms, that you have NOT FORGOTTEN that many of them REFUSED to sign the discharge petition to bring Congressman Mike Pence's Broadcaster Freedom Act to the floor for a fair up-or-down vote.
Tell them we do NOT live in the former Soviet Union and that the American people should be free to decide exactly what they see on television, what they hear on the radio and what they read on the Internet!
Tell them that liberals in Congress ARE NOT the arbiters of TRUTH and demand that they bring Congressman Mike Pence's Broadcaster Freedom Act -- which is specifically designed to STOP the imposition of the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' -- to the floor for a fair up-or-down vote! There is still time!
- Send My Blast Faxes -
The Media Silence Is Deafening!
And where was the liberal media during all this hullabaloo?
Blumer again:
"Old Media has now had plenty of time to catch up to this story and, as unfortunately expected, is clearly ignoring it. ..."
"A New York Times search on 'Obama Missouri' (not in quotes) has nothing relating to the truth squad.
"The Washington Post, with the same search -- Nothing....
"The Associated Press? Of course not (search is on 'Missouri Obama Truth Squad')."
And why should the liberal media comment? After all, the reporting of such a story would not be fair... would it?
That's the world politicians like Pelosi and Reid and their liberal allies in the liberal media envision.
Liberal propaganda will become the norm unless rightfully outraged citizens take action!
Use the hyperlink below to send your personalized and urgent Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush and EACH and EVERY Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.
Let them know, in no uncertain terms, that you have NOT FORGOTTEN that many of them REFUSED to sign the discharge petition to bring Congressman Mike Pence's Broadcaster Freedom Act to the floor for a fair up-or-down vote.
Tell them we do NOT live in the former Soviet Union and that the American people should be free to decide exactly what they see on television, what they hear on the radio and what they read on the Internet!
Tell them that liberals in Congress ARE NOT the arbiters of TRUTH and demand that they bring Congressman Mike Pence's Broadcaster Freedom Act -- which is specifically designed to STOP the imposition of the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' -- to the floor for a fair up-or-down vote! There is still time!
Just In Case You Need More Convincing....
Do Leftists oppose Free Speech?
Not at all.
They believe passionately in Free Speech.
You can burn the flag, put four-letter-word bumper stickers on your car, commit lewd acts on stage, and even use taxpayer dollars to depict Jesus suspended in urine.
But if you utter a conservative thought on the airwaves, if you question the actions and policies of one of THEIR candidates for public office, they suddenly demand government-enforced "fairness."
In 1998, Hillary Clinton -- in a wild-eyed, teeth-grinding, nostril-flaring rage because the Drudge Report broke the Monica Lewinsky story -- told reporters:
"We are all going to have to rethink how we deal with this because there are all these competing values.... Without any kind of editing function or gatekeeping function, what does it mean to have the right to defend your reputation... we're going to have to deal with that."
"Deal with that"... "gatekeeping" ... "rethink" freedom of speech? Maybe in Hillary's world, but she's not the only liberal who lives in that totalitarian fantasy world.
Senator James Inhofe recounted some time ago that he overheard Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer conspire to declare war on talk radio:
"They said we've got to do something about this. These are nothing but far right-wing extremists. ... There's got to be a legislative fix for this..."
A "legislative fix" for the First Amendment?
Senator Dick Durbin, the Majority Whip in the Senate, said:
"It's time to reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine. I have this old-fashioned attitude that when Americans hear both sides of the story, they're in a better position to make a decision."
So when a politician compares our brave men and women in uniform who are serving our nation overseas to "NAZIs" -- which Durbin did -- the press should provide political cover in order to tell "both sides of the story?"
Former Vice-President Al Gore pulls no punches when it comes to his thoughts on the alternative conservative media and talk radio:
"[T]hen immediately afterwards, Rush Limbaugh and other hate-mongers began to fill the airwaves."
What's Al Gore's definition of "hate?" Could he be referring to anyone who doesn't agree with Al Gore?
Senator John Kerry chimed in:
"I think the Fairness Doctrine ought to be there... they [conservative talk radio] have been able to squeeze down and squeeze out opinion of opposing views..."
No mention from Kerry of ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN... What opinions, in Kerry's mind, are being "squeezed down?
What Is It All About....
President George W. Bush probably said it best:
"By insisting on so-called balance, [liberals] want to silence those they don't agree with. They know they cannot prevail in the public debate of ideas."
But don't take President Bush's word for it.
FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell recently told an audience at the Heritage Foundation:
"Speech limits might not stop at radio. They could even be extended to include the Internet and 'government dictating content policy.'"
And McDowell added that the Fairness Doctrine could end with "the government regulating content on the Web... Then, whoever is in charge of government is going to determine what is fair, under a so-called 'Fairness Doctrine.'"
Bill Ruder, John F. Kennedy's Assistant Secretary of Commerce, told us how they did it back in the good old days when liberals ran all three branches of government:
"Our massive strategy was to use the Fairness Doctrine to challenge and harass right-wing broadcasters and hope the challenges would be so costly to them that they would be inhibited and decide it was too expensive to continue."
In other words, the Fairness Doctrine would BRING THE MASSIVE WEIGHT OF GOVERNMENT TO BEAR on conservative opinion... on your thoughts, opinions and speech....
Or, as Bill Ruder made perfectly clear -- the Fairness Doctrine isn't intended to provide balance. ITS PURPOSE IS TO SILENCE POLITICAL DISSENT!
Just as the so-called "Truth Squad" in Missouri is trying to do.
When does the assault on the Free Speech rights of "We the People" end?
Hillary Clinton was right about one thing... there is a legislative fix; at least to part of the problem... it's called the Broadcaster Freedom Act! source>>>
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