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Friday, October 31, 2008

The book that Barack Obama and his cheerleaders in the media don't want you to read

The book that Barack Obama and his cheerleaders in the media don't want you to read

How could a man with the farthest-left voting record in the U.S. Senate ... who has vowed to raise taxes and increase government spending ... who has promised unilateral retreat from the War on Terror ... who has had close relationships with a former terrorist, a hate-spewing racist minister, and the corrupt operators of Chicago machine politics ...

How could such a man be on the brink of becoming the next President of the United States? It's because the liberal media has presented Obama as a kind of political savior who will infuse us with "hope" by delivering "change." So few Americans have the slightest idea who Barack Obama really is, what he really stands for ... or how he really got where he is today.

Well, that's about to change - thanks to a new book called The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate. In this shocking exposé, crack investigative reporter David Freddoso demonstrates that despite the hype, Barack Obama doesn't represent "change" or new thinking in American politics at all. In reality, he is a far-left liberal politician in the mold of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, Mike Dukakis, and Walter Mondale -- but with charm and political savvy that rivals that of Bill Clinton.

It is imprudent in the extreme -- and dangerous for our survival as a nation -- for Americans to entertain false hopes about what Obama stands for and what he can accomplish in the way of changing history and American attitudes. That's what makes The Case Against Barack Obama so important. Here is the book that moves beyond the rhetoric, giving you the sobering truth about the real Barack Obama.

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of The Case Against Barack Obama

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