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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Democrats Bring Back Slavery - Rebirth Of "The Man"

Are We About To Take A Giant Step Backwards In Equality Of American Citizens?
When Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery, he took a major step in trying to give equal rights to all Americans. Another 100 years and men like Martin Luther King pushed the cause further and made major inroads. They still didn't quite make it as you can probably still find blacks in the back roads of the South working as sharecroppers and answering to "The Man". Until all human beings can have the advantage or be given the right to not depend unnecessarily upon others for basic needs, some sort of slavery will always exist and "The Man" will always be king.

Obama seeks to re-arrange the wealth system and increase entitlements for what will become the majority of the people. He will provide your existence by making sure you have enough to squeak by on or at least make you think so. You will become beholding to him and his kind that support this form of government. How will you be beholding? First by voting for him so that you can get the goodies he promises. Next by voting for everything he puts forth because he will tell you if you don't, you have so much to lose. He will become "The Man", and the majority of Americans will, in fact, become enslaved to government. Once we have re-established "The Man" in this country, your rights and freedoms will become what the whims of "The Man" expect them to be.

When the majority of a nation is receiving entitlements, the nation is no longer free. It will belong to the governing class who will provide the entitlements, much as the plantation owners of old. The people who receive the entitlements will become the new slave class...white, black or brown...and your color will not matter. We almost have a ruling elite now...what will more financial control over people result in? You say things like this can't happen here...yea, like we claimed that financial problems like we are having now could not happen.

Americans, we are facing a turning point in our nation. While financial concerns are major, they will correct themselves. But don't let the dust clouds and turmoil cloud your judgment to the point that you forsake your freedoms that we are rapidly allowing the enemy to steal.

America, think about what is happening around you...many in positions of power and influence think that you cannot and will not think. They believe that you will mindlessly follow their spin. The bottom line is that the slave auctions of old may again be thriving and your and your children's freedoms may be next on the auction block. Abraham Lincoln would say, "America is smarter than to let something like that happen." Maybe. Maybe not. Source>>>

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