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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

L.A. Times Holding Damaging Obama Video

L.A. Times Holding Damaging Obama Video

GLENN: Andrew McCarthy says let's try a thought experiment. Say John McCain attended a party where known racists and terror mongers were in attendance. Say testimonials were given including a growing one by McCain for the benefit of the guest of honor who happened to be a top apologist for terrorists. Say that McCain not only gave a speech but stood by, approval and solidarity while other racists and terror mongers gave speeches that wreaked of hatred for an American ally and rationalization of terror attacks. Now let's say that the Los Angeles Times obtained videotape of the party. The question is, is there any chance, any chance whatsoever that the Times would not release the tape and publish front page story after story about the gory details with the usual accompanying chorus of sanction money from the op-ed commentaries. If the times was the least bit reluctant about publishing -- remember we're pretending here -- that the rest of the mainstream media, you know the guys who drove Trent Lott out of his leadership position over a birthday party, would not be screaming for the release of the Tape. Of course they would. Andrew McCarthy brings us the details now of this real life scenario except it's not John McCain. It's Barack Obama. Hey, Andrew, how are you?

McCARTHY: Hey, how are you?

GLENN: I'm not surprised by this story. I've been watching Khalidi for a while and thinking to myself, when is this thing ever going to break, and you are bringing it. Tell us about the tape that the Los Angeles Times has.

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