Obama Goes Ticketmaster on Media
It doesn't matter that his campaign was able to wrangle a whopping $150 million in September; Barack Obama is going to make media members dig deep into their pockets to attend Obamapalooza on Election Night. While logistics as to whether or not attendees will need tickets is still being sorted out, one thing is for sure: the media will be paying high prices to attain their passes. Depending on what amenities are needed, media members will pay from $715 to $1,815 for access. In addition, the media will have to pony up another $935 just to get access to the press tent to talk to campaign officials. There will be a free access area, but the press release from the Obama campaign describes it as, "outdoors, unassigned and may have obstructed views...standing room only." So kind of like those shitty seats way up in the first level of Wrigley where you can't even see the scoreboard.
As one might imagine, this is not going over well. Lynn Sweet, for one, was quite unhappy with the arrangements.
This is an outrageous pay to play plan that caters to national elite outlets with deep pockets.
I am not asking for a free ride--but this is pricey and does not take into account some reporters won't need power, cable, internet or food but will crave the access more than the food. As I was talking to this unnamed spokesman about this enormously expensive set-up, he did say--that a news outlet could rotate people in and out of the tent on that one credential. Great.
All in all, we agree with Sweet. Sure, they're paying a hefty price to take over Grant Park, but gouging the media won't be a good start to that relationship if Obama wins. And then there's this bit of info, also from Lynn the Perturbed:
Obama's top donors--not the masses who donated the $5, $10 and $25 the campaign brag about--will have VIP access throughout election night and received an early heads up a week ago to plan to spend Election Night in Chicago.
If this holds true, it sure as hell doesn't help Barack shake that "elitist" label. We wonder what Pearl Jam thinks... Source>>>
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