Raila Odinga is Another Scary Barack Obama Friend
Who is Raila Odinga? Odinga was a candidate for President of Kenya that Senator Barack Obama raised almost a million dollars for. Raila Odinga is also an ally of Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi. But there is more.
Part of Raila Odinga's platform was the imposition of Shariah law on Kenya. After having lost his bid to become President of Kenya, Raila Odinga loosed a wave of violence that took a thousand lives and caused eight hundred Christian churches to be burned to the ground. The violence only ceased when Odinga was named Prime Minister of Kenya in a power sharing arrangement.
According to reporting conducted by World Net Daily, the ties between Obama and Raila Odinga are extensive. Odinga has met with Obama at least three times during trips to America and Obama and Odinga have made joint appearances in Kenya.
Much has been made of Barack Obama's relationship with William Ayers, a self admitted and unrepentant domestic terrorist. Obama has countered that his ties with Ayers are not all that extensive and that, besides, Ayers committed his crimes when Obama was a child.
Those excuses would not be very effective when explaining Obama's relationship with Raila Odinga. Obama's ties with Odinga are well documented and far more extensive than with William Ayers. Odinga committed his crimes, using violence to gain political power in Kenya when the political process didn't work, when Obama was not only an adult, but a United States Senator and a candidate for President of the United States.
Barack Obama's relationship with Raila Odinga, a terrorist and an Islamo Fascist who, in his own way, is just as murderous as Osama bin Laden raises disturbing questions about Obama's judgment and his attitudes toward dealing with such people. Why did Obama, who is very popular in his father's native country of Kenya, lend his support, personal and monetary, to a man who employs machete wielding thugs to murder his way into political power? Source>>>
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