Billions of your tax dollars in possible subsidies for ACORN
Billions of your tax dollars in possible subsidies for ACORN? $50 million for the National Endowment of the Arts? Billions of dollars more for other liberal pet projects?
What exactly are our elected leaders doing? On Wednesday, the House of Representatives voted largely along party lines to pass the so-called "Obama stimulus bill."
But the only thing the bill will stimulate is BIG GOVERNMENT. It does very little to accomplish its stated purpose, which is to create jobs and stimulate the struggling economy.
Congressman Mike Pence said it best:
"[The] bill won't stimulate anything but more government and more debt. The slow and wasteful spending in the House Democrat bill is a disservice to millions of Americans who want to see this Congress take immediate action to get this economy moving again."
And what exactly is in this so-called stimulus bill?
$1.1 billion for Amtrak;
$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts;
$400 million for NASA to conduct climate change research;
$300 million for Americorps;
$1 billion for the Census;
$400 million for localities to buy "green" buses;
$650 million for the Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program;
$600 million for the acquisition of "green" cars;
$7.7 billion for the Federal Buildings Fund;
The list goes on... ALL of it funding by your hard-earned tax dollars.
Here's what Senator David Vitter (R-LA) had to say about the bill:
"It's just a long list of spending items. Not a real economic stimulus job creation bill. It's line after line after line of favorite liberal spending programs, and it amounts to a big government bill - not a job creation bill."
As Congressman Pence put it:
"What does $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts, $200 million to plant sod on the National Mall, $400 million for climate change research, and $200 million for contraception have to do with creating jobs?"
"Republican lawmakers are raising concerns that ACORN, the low-income advocacy group under investigation for voter registration fraud, could be eligible for billions in aid from the economic stimulus proposal... " [Emphasis Mine]
Senator Vitter went so far as to say that the $4.19 billion that this so-called "stimulus bill" allocates to "neighborhood stabilization programs" could be viewed as a "payoff" to ACORN (or organizations similar to ACORN).
The good news is there is hope to defeat this monstrosity of a bill. Yes, the House passed it, but not without bipartisan opposition. And, every Republican member in the House voted against it.
That means our message is being heard. But as the Senate considers its version of this disastrous bill, we must redouble our efforts.
In fact, according to US News and World Report, the Senate version of this $825 billion House spending bill is already up to $887 billion and it could go even higher once it reaches the floor of the Senate.
There is not a moment to lose. We must demand that conservatives in the Senate stand firm and stop this massive liberal boondoggle!
Use the hyperlink below to send your personalized faxes to Barack Obama and the Republican Members of the United States Senate!
Tell them to put a HALT to the so-called Obama stimulus bill now! Tell them that decent people are suffering financially and an economic downturn IS NOT an excuse to give payoffs and handouts to causes favored by liberal elected officials.
Moreover, tell them you know the lessons of history and that the American people will NOT tolerate policies that will turn the current recession into a decade-long depression simply to advance the agenda of liberals in our government. It's time to pass real stimulus for the American people by letting them keep more of their hard-earned money. Tell them the time has come for government to get out of the way! source>>>
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