Christian Leaders Call for Prayer for Obama
With Barack Obama now in office as the nation's 44th president, Christian leaders are calling for prayer -- and accountability.
Dr. Ron Jones, senior pastor of Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield, Va., has written an open letter to the new president.
"Holy Scripture exhorts us to pray for kings and all those who are in authority," he writes. "Please know, we pledge to pray for you, your family and your Administration. These are difficult times to lead our nation. No President has ever done so without acknowledging the need for divine guidance.
"We will pray that God will grant you Solomon-like wisdom in all of the decisions you make."
Jones goes on to challenge Obama to "defend the cause of the weak" and "maintain the rights of the oppressed" by changing his pro-abortion positions.
"I pray that you will reconsider your views on this moral issue," Jones writes. "I raise my voice on behalf of the voiceless, pleading with you to take the lead in building an America where all of our children, whatever their race or family income, are welcomed into the world, protected by the law and have a seat at the table with the rest of the American family."
Tom Minnery, senior vice president of government and public policy at Focus on the Family Action, said: "God can and has, changed the hearts of unwilling rulers. Nebuchadnezzar, Darius and Cyrus were three Old Testament kings, all pagans, who acted righteously after God intervened.
"Barack Obama professes to follow Christ, and so his heart should be primed for a miraculous change of heart in his plans for the innocent preborn. This should be the point of our prayers for the new president." source>>>
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