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Thursday, April 16, 2009

CNN 'journalist' shows true colors at Tea Party

GLENN: And then, of course, we have this report from CNN. Listen, listen to this report from CNN. There is an anchor. She is walking up to a guy who's this clean‑cut regular Schmo, standing there with his 2‑year‑old daughter. Now, the people around, you don't have any idea. Like last night when I was doing the television show, I was doing interviews, et cetera, et cetera. You can't hear. And when people are shouting, you know, "USA, USA," it's very, it's difficult to do if you're a professional like me. If you are a nervous per son that's not used to being on television and people are screaming and shouting things all around, it's very hard to be able to have a conversation with somebody because you're very distracted by what's going on, okay? She didn't even give this guy a chance. Listen to the way this interview went.

VOICE: Okay, let's see. You're here with your 2‑year‑old and you're already in debt. Why are you here today, sir?

VOICE: Because I hear a president say that he believed in what Lincoln stood for. Lincoln's primary thing was he believed that people had the right to liberty and had the right ‑‑

VOICE: Sir, what does this have to do with taxes? What does this have to do with your taxes? Do you realize that you are eligible for a $400 credit ‑‑

VOICE: Let me finish my point. Lincoln ‑‑ Lincoln believed that people had the right to share in the fruits of their own labor and that government should not take it, and we have clearly gotten to that point.

VOICE: Wait. Did you know that ‑‑ did you know that the State of Lincoln gets $50 billion out of this stimulus? That's $50 billion for this state, sir.

VOICE: Ma'am. Ma'am, ma'am, I ‑‑ can you stop this, sir? Hold on.

VOICE: Okay, well, we'll move on over here. I think you get the general tenor of this. It's anti‑government, anti‑CNN, since this is highly promoted by the rightwing conservative network Fox. And since I can't really hear much more and I think this is not really family viewing, toss it back to you.

GLENN: This isn't family viewing. I mean, I can't believe this. This isn't family ‑‑ he's standing there with his 2‑year‑old. I mean, what is that? Unbelievable. I would like to take this from the beginning but I want to stop and start this. I want to take this apart. Go ahead.


VOICE: Okay. Let's see. You are here with your 2‑year‑old and you are already in debt. Why are you here, sir?

VOICE: Because I heard the president say he believed in what Lincoln stood for. Link even's primary thing was he believed that people had the right to liberty and had the right ‑‑

VOICE: Sir, what does this have to do with taxes?

GLENN: Stop, stop.


GLENN: This shows the ignorance of this reporter. She doesn't have any clue as to what this man is talking about. What this man is talking about is Abraham Lincoln saying it is immoral to pull down the house of one to build another house for someone else. You can't do that. He thought it was immoral, he thought it was unconstitutional. You do not take the fruits of the labor of one person and give them to someone else. He was very clear. But she didn't even know where he was going with this because she clearly doesn't understand and she's like, well, what does this even have to do with taxes? That was the point of Abraham Lincoln! You cannot take and tear down the house of one to build a house for another. That has everything to do with taxes. That is the point that Abraham Lincoln was trying to make.

STU: What's that got to do with taxes? He's talking about houses. It doesn't make any sense. It's not family‑friendly at all.

GLENN: I know, I know. Well, we're just, what is it, apoplectic brainiacs. So what do we know. Okay. So go ahead. Lynn to what she has in response.

VOICE: Sir, what does this have to do with taxes? What does this have to do with your taxes? Do you realize that you're eligible ‑‑

GLENN: Stop, stop, stop.


GLENN: Now remember, I'm not a journalist. They always make fun of me: Glenn Beck, he's a pseudojournalist. No, I'm not a journalist. I never claimed to be a journalist. I am an opinion person. Listen to what she did. She moved now clearly not just in the way she was handling everything but by what she just did, from journalist to opinion maker. What she did is she said, "What does this have to do with taxes?" Question, period. What does this have to do with taxes. Well, let me explain: Abraham Lincoln said you can't tear down the house of one person to build another, okay? That's what it has to do with taxes. But she wasn't interested in the actual answer. She wanted to make her point. That's what an opinion maker does, not a journalist. Listen to what she says on her point: What does this have to do with taxes?

VOICE: What does this have to do with your taxes? Do you realize that you're he eligible for a $400 credit ‑‑

VOICE: Let me finish my point.

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