Another Communist in Obama's Orb Meet Michael Klonsky, Obama's "social justice" education expert.
Another Communist in Obama's Orb
Meet Michael Klonsky, Obama's "social justice" education expert.
By Andrew C. McCarthy
The mainstream press steadfastly refuses to delve into Barack Obama's radicalism, his Leftist revolutionary collaboration with self-identified communists from Frank Marshall Davis to Bill Ayers. The McCain campaign, moreover, has contributed mightily to the whitewash by ineptly seizing on the issue's least important aspect: Obama's abject dishonesty about the depth of his relationships with committed Leftists -- e.g., the portrayal of Ayers as just "a guy who lives in my neighborhood."
(Petrified of being smeared as a racist, McCain has never mentioned Davis, whom Obama identifies only as "Frank" in his memoir. And, of course, utterance of Jeremiah Wright's name is verboten in McCain circles, notwithstanding that his Trinity Church, where Obama was a 20-year member, is a font of Marxist Black Liberation Theology and thus critical to our understanding of Obama's invocations of "change" and "spreading the wealth.")
With what little media oxygen there has been sucked out by the largely uninformative discussion of Ayers (and his wife and Weather Underground ally, Bernadine Dohrn) -- in which the mantra "unrepentant terrorist" has been a pale substitute for the critical matter of the Ayers's ideology that Obama plainly shares -- much has been missed. Significantly, that includes another key Obama contact, Mike Klonsky.
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