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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Barack's Visit to Grandma In Hawaii or Cover Up Obama's birth records

While Obama is visiting, he can attend to, or better yet, appeal or attempt to use his influence to block the suit that was filed in First Circuit Court Of Honolulu seeking a court order to open Obama's birth records on October 17th, 2008.

Docket 08-1-2147-10


Family Unity is so cool, isn't it? I mean all of us visit grandma every decade or so without the wife and kids, right? After all, why would any grandma want to see her own great-grandchildren and her grandson's wife? It's just not done, right? There's no family dysfunction going on here at all, nothing to see here folks. It's all Perfectly Normal. I haven't seen this reported in the MSM. His special press corps must be surfing or something.

Obama -- escorted by Secret Service and accompanied by a few campaign staff and a pool of reporters and camera crews -- arrived at about 4:10 p.m. Yesterday and spent an hour with his 85-year-old maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who helped raise him. He was not accompanied by his wife, Michelle, and two daughters.

I guess he didn't want to leave his signature anywhere either.

One woman who lives in the building had two books authored by Obama in hand and watched as the elevator doors closed. She waited patiently outside the elevator.

She was refused.

I guess Obama was preoccupied with some business that needed to be conducted. Most everybody says Some say it has to do with taking care of the old Birth Certificate problem. And Grandma, after all, is a first-hand witness. No Quarter has noticed that his official birth certificate says his name is Barry Soetaro. That would mean that the Birth Certificate flaunted by KOS really ISN'T real. Ditto for the one that was posted over at Barack Obama's Hide The Truth And Call It a Smear site. But hey, trying to figure out exactly who a presidential candidate really is has always been complex, right?


You know, it seems to me that when John McCain's citizenship was challenged, he had no problem planking his birth certificate down on the table in front of the press. Why is it that Obama's citizenship, birth certificate and name questions have to be a cloak and dagger affair? Who exactly IS this guy that he thinks he doesn't have to answer any questions about his candidacy posed by the Peons he wants to Rule? Just asking. Source>>>

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