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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christians and Muslims worshiping the same God, is a misconception gone on for too long.

Since George Bush said that all religions pray to the 'same God' in November of 2003 and again in October of 2007, it has been frustrating to many people including myself that this misconception was allowed to go on this long. In October of 2007, he stated..... "That's what I believe. I believe Islam is a great religion that preaches peace". He actually argued about it. Now, I don't doubt that George Bush is a Christian, but I do doubt what he has learned from his church, whether it was in Texas or D.C.

I am convinced that anyone who was as closely involved with information about the attackers on 9-11-2001 who flew planes into the Twin Towers certainly wouldn't have that opinion if they understood the complexity of the Muslim faith.

My point here is not to create controversy, or condemn, it is clarify a point of contention that has gone on all too long.

Who is Allah? (pronounced "All-ah")
Scholars agree that "Allah", although being the Arabic word that means "god", just as the word "El" does in Hebrew, Allah was an actual pagan deity that was part of the middle-eastern pantheon at the time of Mohammed. Mohammed was born in 570 CE (common era) in the Arabian city of Mecca.

Below, you can see the flags of Turkey (left) and Pakistan (right) that have the crescent Moon and one Star. This god "Allah" was a moon god, and was one of the primary gods worshiped in the area where Mohammed lived. Mohammed elevated this "moon god" to the level of supreme god and declared him to be THE god, and that there was no other. The symbolism on the flags show the still lingering reference to the Moon god Allah.

National Flag of Turkey National Flag of Pakistan

According to Islam, Allah is a god of infinite power and wisdom, not a God of redeeming love to all mankind as the Christian God. Allah is a despotic sovereign of trembling subjects and slaves, not a loving Father of trustful children as the Christian God. He is an object of reverence and fear rather than of love and gratitude as the Christian God. Allah is the god of fate who has unalterably foreordained all things evil as well as good; therefore, in order to have true wisdom and piety, one must submit to unconditional resignation.

So as you can see, Christianity and Islam worship different deities which are not the same, as George Bush has insisted. source>>>

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