British Christians launch pro-God ads after atheist blitz
A British Christian group is to run a pro-God poster campaign on the side of London buses, to counter a recent atheist advertising blitz which claimed there was no deity, it said Thursday.
The two-week campaign from next Monday is being organised by the Trinitarian Bible Society, which has published copies of the Bible in various languages for more than 150 years.
The Christian adverts -- countering atheist slogans urging people to relax and enjoy themselves in a God-free world -- will feature a Biblical verse on 183 London buses, as well as details of how to obtain a free copy of the Bible.
David Larlham, the society's assistant general secretary, told AFP that it was spending 35,000 pounds (39,800 euros, 51,300 dollars) on the campaign, adding that it might expand the initiative depending on the response.
Larlham acknowledged the atheist bus campaign had "helped put the thought in our minds," -- but noted that the society had already displayed adverts at railway stations adorned with Biblical verses.
Doing the same on the capital's buses was not a major leap.
"I was pleased to see (the atheist) campaign, because its good that the country is a free country where people can voice their opinion and declare their belief," Larlham said.
The atheist campaign saw adverts with slogans like "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life" on the side of 800 buses across the country, as well as 1,000 posters in London's Underground trains.
Similar initiatives have been organised or are in the pipeline in other countries including Spain, Italy, Canada and Australia. source>>>
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