Guilt by Association?
Guilt by Association?
In a candidate with no real relative experience on his résumé, the company he has chosen to keep over the years may be the only means of knowing what the man actually believes in. Yet the man is desperate to run from almost every associate he has ever known. This is because his life is filled with personal associates whom have a very public history of highly anti-social and very anti-American backgrounds.
The public has a right and good reason to know if Barack Hussein Obama is the Manchurian candidate of the Saudi Royal Family and at present, all evidence certainly points in that direction. At a minimum, there are way too many unanswered questions regarding an endless string of less than acceptable associations.
As a general rule, people who hide things have something to hide.
When Obama's twenty year pastor and mentor became a racially charged public disgrace, Obama cried "guilt by association."
When Obama was caught lying about the depth and breadth of his personal relationship with Weatherman terrorist William Ayers, he again cried "guilt by association."
When former Black Panther lawyer Percy Sutton connected Obama to Black Panther mentor and Saudi front man Khalid al-Mansour, Obama cried "guilt by association" yet again.
When the nation learned that Obama's "community organizing" was nothing more than Alinsky style communist bent Black community rabble-rousing in an effort to manipulate the most easily manipulated segments of our population, Obama cried "foul and more guilt by association."
As Obama is linked to Arab Muslim after Arab Muslim, and mountains of money pour in from all over the globe through more than 500 campaign bundlers, with no means of backtracking where all of that money is really coming from, Obama runs for cover and redirects press attention away from himself by sending an army of investigators to Alaska to dig up (or invent if necessary) dirt on Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
Meanwhile, nobody in the left-wing lamestream press is asking a single serious question of the Obama campaign and there is NO mass public outcry for full disclosure from the candidate who is running on "full disclosure." Source>>>
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