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Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Messiah Manufactured by Marxism

A Messiah Manufactured by Marxism

imageLast night's final presidential debate proved once again that Senator Barack Obama talks a lot, but really says nothing -- nothing you can count on when he tells another whopper. (here).

Time is closing in on the 11th hour of Election '08 but the search for the real Obama is still on.

If Obama steps out of the fog through the scavenger hunt for his birth certificate and unanswered questions about his alliance to Islam into the Oval office, he will usher in a new socialist America.

Concerns about Obama, the closet Muslim, fit right in with Obama, the Marxist. Marxists, always difficult to pin down, work hand in hand with radical Islam.

Ilich Ramirez Sanchez ("Carlos the Jackal") wrote in his book, L'islam revolutionnaire (Revolutionary Islam) that "only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States."

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