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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Day the Earth Stood Still the remake

Scott Derrickson could have saved a fortune if he had written his message on a placard. Admittedly, his multimilliondollar remake of Robert Wise's 1951 classic The Day the Earth Stood Still is a far more entertaining way to shout "the end of the world is nigh". But will anyone actually care? The pleasure here is evenly split between the miraculous sci-fi effects and Keanu Reeves's hypnotic performance as a human possessed by a humourless alien. Klaatu (Reeves) lands in a giant sphere in Central Park, and is cut out of a large lump of jelly by a nervous surgeon.

There are moments of deadpan comedy as the paranoid American authorities try to torture information out of their guest, and blow his orb to smithereens. Fools. Klaatu has far more important things to attend to, such as the destruction of the human race before it poisons what's left of the fragile Earth. But the apocalypse may not be a foregone conclusion when Klaatu starts to admire the shapely charms of a top astro-biologist, (Jennifer Connelly). It's divine tongue-in-cheek tosh. source>>>

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