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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Madoff cheats at golf too

It looks like Bernard Madoff's hedge fund wasn't the only place where he was cooking the books. Evidence suggests the country's newest symbol of greed gone wild may have been fudging his golf scores too.

CNBC dug up the data on Madoff's performance on the links from his three country clubs, Fresh Meadow and Atlantic Golf Club in New York as well as the Palm Beach Country Club in Florida, and did some analysis. Turns out that after consistently shooting between 84 and 86, he took a year off but only lost a single stroke on his game. CNBC writes:

He played 18 times in 1998 and was pretty consistent. ... He doesn't play for an entire year and still shoots one shot worse than what he shot in his last round of golf, a year before. His index is 9.8, which means his handicap is 12. That's an interesting number considering Madoff's clients would get around a 12% return.

Clusterstock's Joe Weisenthal called the numbers "eerily consistent," leading one of his readers to comment on how hard it is to keep a consistent game when playing as infrequently as Madoff. So it looks like all those clients he roped in on the golf course may have been cheated twice over. source>>>

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