Willie Nelson speaks out for Farm Aid to help the family farmers f
As you gather with family and friends to share a meal to celebrate the holidays and usher in the new year, I want to ask you to make a special year-end tax-deductible gift to Farm Aid to help the family farmers who produce our food and care for our land.
So many farmers have had a tough time of it this past year -- from high fuel prices to weather disasters to difficulties in getting the credit they need to plant their next crop during these tough economic times. Calls on our farmer hotline and web inquiries through our Farmer Resource Network have increased, which means that even more farmers are reaching out to Farm Aid for help. They count on Farm Aid to be there with the answers they need to hold onto their land.
That's why your gift is so urgently needed.
Will you please make aspecial year-end donation of $35, $100, $250, or $500 to Farm Aid right now?
Don't wait. Visit our secure donation page to make your most generous tax-deductible contribution to Farm Aid now.
With help from friends like you, Farm Aid is the oldest and most respected organization helping the American farmer who grows the food that you and I eat. And you're a big part of that success.
Thanks again for your help and Happy Holidays.
Stay Strong and Positive,Willie Nelson signature
Willie Nelson
P.S. Donate $50 or more and we'll send you a free Farm Aid t-shirt. You pick the size, we pick the shirt! It's our way of saying "thank you." Please, help our American farmers by making a secure online contribution today. Thanks again. source>>>
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