Barack Hussein Obama is the Manchurian candidate of the Saudi Royal Family?
Scumbags of a Feather Sink Together?
Best I can tell from all available evidence, Barack Hussein Obama is the Manchurian candidate of the Saudi Royal Family.
He has been propped up for years by Black Nationalists, former Black Panther thugs, Wahabbi wealth and communist sympathizers masquerading as Alinsky styled "community activists" who have bilked the poorest and most unsuspecting members of society out of their freedom and liberty in pursuit of left-wing political power.
Dr. Khalid al-Mansour is certainly capable of being the official puppet master behind what is clearly a puppet presidential candidate. More than forty years of political alignments by al-Mansour demonstrate that he is a brilliant individual, of great wealth and power, extraordinarily well connected, with a hardcore anti-American agenda and a life long desire to seat the first Black Nationalist President, maybe even operating under the command and control of the Saudi family that made al-Mansour the international power-broker he is today.
We have lots of facts, lots of questions and very few forthright answers here. We have all seen Obama's alleged intellect disappear the minute he is without a teleprompter. He's only eloquent when someone is feeding him words. So, who is feeding Obama those words?
Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Percy Sutton, Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, Saul Alinsky, William Ayers, Donald Warden (aka Dr. Khalid al-Mansour), pro-Palestinian Rashid Khalidi, Antoin 'Tony' Rezko, Nadhmi Auchi, Joseph Aramanda and Louis Farrahkan.
These names and more like them are repeatedly intertwined with Obama's entire adult life over the last twenty odd years. The list of Obama associates is distinguished and consistent. Consistently corrupt, radically leftist, racially charged and anti-American...
When one has nothing but evil associates in his past, it is very difficult not to draw the natural conclusion that this individual, with such a long history of association with a multitude of corrupt friends, complete with very anti-American rap sheets, is also corrupt and anti-American at best.
Obama has the power to lay all such suspicions to rest by simply offering full disclosure of his brief but busy background.
Yet for some reason, Obama continues to run from his past and his past associations, leaving investigative journalists crisscrossing the country kicking over rocks and following trails that would lead any honest critical thinker to conclude that Obama is nothing he reports himself to be.
With each passing day, investigative journalists uncover another and then another Obama connection to leftist corruption, Arab money and tyrannical communist friends. If Obama refuses to answer the questions directly by fully opening up his life, he does so at the risk of allowing reporters and the voting public to draw their own conclusions from whatever evidence they are able to uncover on their own.
Meanwhile, the "candidate of full disclosure" can not run on his own "full disclosure" since he has offered no disclosure concerning his life.
People working around the clock to hide their past generally have something in their past worth hiding. People willing to open up their past for all to see, generally have nothing to hide.
His defenders call it guilt by association. But try running a Republican candidate who sat in the pew of a White Supremacist church for twenty years, hung out with skin heads on weekends and was groomed and funded for twenty years by Fidel Castro and see how long it takes leftists and their press to lynch that candidate by way of his associations...
Unless and until Obama is ready to stop running from his past, I suggest that every honest investigative journalist in America spend the next few weeks kicking over every rock around Obama and Dr. Khalid al-Mansour. At the moment, all evidence implicates Obama as a left-wing Saudi puppet and al-Mansour as the Saudi puppet master.
If this is the basis upon which Obama wants American voters to make their November decision, so be it. But losing in November won't be the result of "racism." It will be the result of life long "guilt by association" and the fact that Obama refused to answer a plethora of very real and reasonable questions about his past.
If he won't explain the vast number of ill-conceived relationships, he will sink with his friends, including those in the lamestream press, who stopped being the unbiased eyes and ears of the people years ago.
I sincerely hope that Obama decides to open his résumé up to the standard scrutiny expected in every run for the highest office in the land. But I won't be holding my breath... Source>>>
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